Always late Getting to your job on time is the single most basic responsibility an employee has. This is not complicated or up for debate. You need to be at work when your shift starts.
The bare minimum is good enough for you Doing the bare minimum — also known as quiet quitting — isn’t a particularly high bar to hit. It’s nothing more than cruising through your shift and avoiding work.
Blaming others Owning up to your mistakes is one of life’s more important early lessons. Chances are your parents didn’t put up with the blame game for long when you were a kid.
Coworkers don’t want to deal with you If nobody in the office wants to work with you, it’s a pretty good sign that you’re the problem. Maybe a coworker politely declines a collaboration effort or is more upfront and vocal about it.
Ego Confidence is a good thing. Having a nightmarish, outsized ego is not. There’s a big difference between being sure of yourself and being a smug know-it-all.
Excuses, excuses This covers everything from being late and forgetting assignments to botching project deadlines and more.
Gossiping all the time It’s one thing to be a good conversationalist and shoot the breeze with your coworkers when it’s appropriate. It’s quite another to be a the forefront of the rumor mill.