How Many Situps You Should Do in a Day

Everyone has different goals, fitness levels, and circumstances, but maxing out at 40 situps daily is a fair goal for most people.

While that might not sound like a ton of reps—especially if your ultimate objective is chiseling a set of six-pack abs—it’s all about quality over quantity.

People who have abs and do this will tell you to slow down on the way down.

If you try to bang out 50 or 60 or 100 [reps], then you wind up curling up and laying back down really quickly.

In other words, the form concessions you'll likely need to finish a huge volume of reps isn't worth the effort.

Training age and overall health and fitness level would also come into play when determining how many situps is too much.

Remember that “doing a ton of situps could lead to overuse injuries, poor form, and compensations in the movement pattern.”